Saturday, September 17, 2011

Masonry Mortar

Don't mistake wine for mortar; however, both depend on quality of ingredients

Mortar can be similar to wine in that you should be aware of the labels because each type is different. Similar to wine, Mortar is created by several different ingredients making some mortar stronger than others. There's suitable mortar for colder climates and there's a variety of colors to choose from. I am not encouraging the use of wine on job sites, btw. This is just to help you remember the differences in mortar types.

Mortar is made up of portland cement, hydrated lime, and sand (aggregate) & water.

Lime is added to impart smoothness and workability. Its produced by burning limestone or shells in a kiln to drive off carbon dioxide and leave quicklime (calcium oxide).

Hydrated Lime (slaked lime): released large quantities of heat.

Mortar mix can be obtained in shades ranging from pure white to pure black; makes up 20% of exposed surface area of brick wall, therefore color is important.

Mortar composition standard for unit masonry refer to: ASTM C270

TYPE N: used for most purposes

TYPE M & S: higher strength structural walls (or for severe weather). S is used below grade, as well.

TYPE O: most economical and used for non-bearing walls

For more information on selecting the right mortar for your job refer to Masonry Contractors Association of America

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