Thursday, September 29, 2011

Anger Management #2: Pass/Fail Letters

The ARE process makes me want to start fires. Nothing huge, just a small toilet paper fire in the bathroom of the testing center. But that would only hurt the maintenance staff of the office building involved, and that’s not who an ARE candidate should direct rage toward. These rants are an outlet to prevent any harm coming to you, Prometric-tenant building maintenance workers. You’re welcome.

I know you must grade a lot of exams. I mean there were around thirty from my school’s alums alone last year! Whew! So I guess we’re lucky to get any feedback at all. Positive feedback is a waste of space, so that is not given, ergo being given no information equals a shiny gold star – you got it, dude! But failure prompts a little more info, so we can correct what we did. Emphasis on “a little” more. Yes, you FAILED MISERABLY on the stair vignette. Everything else was fine except SOMETHING ON THE STAIR. We’re not going to tell you what, as you certainly remember everything you did on that particular drawing – you know what you did, dumbass. You now get to slowly lose your mind as OMIGOD DID I DRAW THE STAIRS UPSIDE DOWN? DID I END THEM 6 FEET ABOVE THE FLOOR I CAN’T REMEMBER! GAAAH! Maybe you emptied out that gutter right over a door way, maybe you didn’t… there’s no proof you didn’t, and thus, no proof that you are not a retard. So suck on that for six months, and try harder next time. Good job on everything else though! Except that thing. You know.

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